Measuring with Fun: Knowledge Games for Professionals
yeepa is the social networking solution for motivating knowledge games. The combination of knowledge, strategy and luck creates exciting learning events. Experience together with friends and colleagues knowledge competitions in real time. Build your expertise while gaming: whether you are at your workplace or on the road using your smartphone. Game with yeepa according to your own schedule - alone or by joining others.

Enjoy to Measure: Where am I, where are the others?
Learning is a social process and yeepa creates in a straightforward way a community of topic experts. During the tournaments, strengths and weaknesses become transparent in a playful way. yeepa analyzes the data so that you know exactly where you should focus for improving. After every gaming round you get thus better prepared for the next one. Now there is a truely personalized fitness program for your professional expertise!

Tips after each Game: Your personal Knowledge-Trainer
yeepa gives learning a new meaning: gamers first roam through a domain of knowledge and based on results are provided with precise study tips. After all, scoring in the game requirers an improvement of knowledge. So yeepa provides the individual orientation for deepening knowledge and simultaneously prevents forgetfulness by piloted repetitions. Through an automatic adjustment of questions, measurement data become continuously more accurate and coaching quality gains momentum.
You mastered the Topic? Then become a Game Producer!
Participants can inject own questions into the game or even create entire new games! yeepa provides you with a validation analysis as part of every gaming round on-the-fly, so go ahead! Good questions remain in the system, while too easy, too difficult or too ambiguous issues are sorted out automatically.

Educational Controlling: Control of Training
With yeepa educational controlling becomes an easy game: based on psychometrics and real-time measurements educationalists and human resource departements finally got an instrument by which the effectiveness of different interventions can be objectively measured. The yeepa index illustrates the development of knowledge of groups (learning analytics). yeepa provides the figures for managing the quality and effectiveness of training.

Protection of your Privacy
All individual game results remain strictly private. Other gamers can only see the points you made, in the highscore. Comparative data for coaching are displayed only on the basis of average values of the anonymous collective. yeepa enables playful competition without any pressure or embarassements because yeepa protects the privacy of the participants.